I have a wish list on Silver Insanity. It was a bit hard to read and long. I decided to simplify it a bit by moving the books, DVDs, video games, and CDs over to an Amazon wish list:
It's official! Nintendo Wii to be released on November 19th for $249.99. "Emulated" games will be $5 for NES, 8 for SNES, and 10 for N64 according to Joystiq. (It will play Gamecube games natively.)
Neat things about the Wii:
$250 price tag. (For reference the round X-Boxen are $300 and $400, while the PS3 will be $400 and $500.)
I've got most of my data and programs moved over. It was a mostly painless progress. Copy the right files into the right place and everything works again. Of course, it took a bit of working to find the right files sometimes. Eh. Minor details.
I know people (family mostly) will start asking for gift ideas for the upcoming holiday season... (*sigh* What ever happened to Thanksgiving? My mall is already playing carols all day long.) So I updated my wish list. In some ways it's just as complex as ever (being a list of nearly everything I find shiny). But in an important way it's much
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It's that time again... Another year older, and not particularly wiser.
No, my birthday isn't today, but it is soon. I got poked for what I wanted so I updated my wish list, and thought that other people might like to know.